Subcortical and cortical gray matter differences between Kraepelinian and non-Kraepelinian schizophrenia patients identified using voxel-based morphometry Molina V, Hernández JA, Sanz J, Paniagua JC, Hernández AI, Martín C, Matías J, Calama J, Bote B. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 184(1):16-22. FI: 3.435 (Q1)
Prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in schizophrenia remains stable with short-term quetiapine Molina V, López DE, Villa R, Pérez J, Martín C, Ballesteros A, Cardoso A, Sancho C. European Psychiatry Epub ahead of print. FI: 3.080 (Q2)
Optimized voxel brain morphometry: association between brain volumes and the response to atypical antipsychotics Molina V, Martín C, Ballesteros A, de Herrera AG, Hernández-Tamames JA. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Epub ahead of print. FI: 2.747 (Q2)
Different gray matter patterns in chronic schizophrenia and chronic bipolar disorder patients identified using voxel-based morphometry Molina V, Galindo G, Cortés B, de Herrera AG, Ledo A, Sanz J, Montes C, Hernández-Tamames JA. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Epub ahead of print. FI: 2.747 (Q2)
Paraoxonase 1 (pon1) polymorphisms and risk for essential tremor García-Martín E, Martínez C, Alonso-Navarro H, Benito-León J, Puertas I, Rubio L, López-Alburquerque T, Agúndez J, Jiménez-Jiménez FJ. European Journal of Neurology 17(6):879-881. FI: 2.510 (Q2)
Vav3 is involved in GABAergic axon guidance events important for the proper function of brainstem neurons controlling cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal parameters Sauzeau V, Horta¿Junior JAC, Riolobos AS, Sevilla MA, López DE, Montero MJ, Rico B, Bustelo XR. Molecular Biology of the Cell 21:4251-4263. FI: 5.979 (Q1)