Glutathione-S-transferase P1 polymorphism and risk for essential tremor Martínez C, García-Martín E, Alonso-Navarro H, Benito-León J, Puertas I, Rubio L, López-Alburquerque T, Agúndez JA, Jiménez-Jiménez FJ. European Journal of Neurology 15(3):234-238. FI: 2.510 (Q2)
The nonsynonymous Thr105Ile polymorphism of the histamine N-methyltransferase is associated to the risk of developing essential tremor Ledesma MC, García-Martín E, Alonso-Navarro H, Martínez C, Jiménez-Jiménez FJ, Benito-León J, Puertas I, Rubio L, López-Alburquerque T, Agúndez JA. Neuromolecular Medicine 10:356-61. FI: 2.831 (Q2)
Association between cerebral metabolic and structural abnormalities and cognitive performance in schizophrenia Molina, V. Solera, S. Sanz, J. Sarramea,F. Luque, R. Rodríguez, R. Jiménez-Arriero, MA. Palomo, T. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 173(2): 88-93. FI: 3.435 (Q1)
Correlation between prepulse inhibition and cortical perfusion during an attentional test in schizophrenia Molina V, Montes C, Tamayo P, Villa R, Osuna MI, Pérez J, Sancho C, López-Albuquerque T, Cardoso A, Castellano O, López DE. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 33(1): 53-61. FI: 2.823 (Q2)
Chronic administration of risperidone to healthy rats: a behavioural and morphological study Castellano O, Moscoso A, Riolobos AS, Carro J, Arji M, Molina V, López DE, Sancho C. Behavioural Brain Research 205(2): 488-498. FI: 3.220 (Q2)
Long-term functional recovery in the rat auditory system after unilateral auditory cortex ablation Clarkson C, López DE., Merchán M. Acta Oto-laryngologica 13(3):326:32. FI: 0.984 (Q3)
Distrofia facioescapulohumeral de presentación temprana en dos hermanas Rivas-López MT, Santos-Borbujo J.R, Sesar IA, López-Alburquerque JT, Pascual-Gómez J. Revista de Neurologia 48: 388-390. FI: 1.234 (Q3)
Dopamine receptor D3 (DRD3) genotype and allelic variants and risk for essential tremor García-Martín E, Martínez C, Alonso-Navarro H, Benito-León J, Puertas I, Rubio L, López-Alburquerque T, Agúndez JA, Jiménez-Jiménez FJ. Movement Disorders 24(13):1910-1915. FI: 4.014 (Q1)
Voxel-based morphometry comparison between first episodes of psychosis with and without evolution to schizophrenia Molina V, Sanz J, Villa R, Pérez J, González D, Sarramea F, Ballesteros A, Galindo G, Hernández JA. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 181(3): 204-210. FI: 3.435 (Q1)
No association between prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex and neuropsychological deficit in chronic schizophrenia Molina V, Cortés B, Pérez J, Martín C, Villa R, López DE, Sancho C. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical 260(8):609-15. FI: 2.747 (Q2)