Pre-neurodegeneration of mitral cells in the pcd mutant mouse is associated with DNA damage, transcriptional repression, and reorganization of nuclear speckles and Cajal bodies Valero J, Berciano MT, Weruaga E, Lafarga M, Alonso JR. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 33:283-295. FI: 3.569 (Q2)
Sex differences in catechol contents in the olfactory bulb of control and unilaterally deprived rats Gómez C, Briñón JG, Orio L, Colado MI, Lawrence AJ, Zhou FC, Vidal M, Barbado MV, Alonso JR. European Journal of Neuroscience 25:1517-1528. FI: 3.418 (Q2)
Changes in the serotonergic system in the main olfactory bulb of rats unilaterally deprived from birth to adulthood Gómez C, Briñón JG, Orio L, Colado MI, Lawrence AJ, Zhou FC, Vidal M, Barbado MV, Alonso JR. Journal of Neurochemistry 100:924-938. FI: 3.999 (Q2)
Chemical organization of the macaque monkey olfactory bulb: III. Distribution of cholinergic markers Porteros A, Gómez C, Valero J, Calvo-Baltanás F, Alonso JR. Journal of Comparative Neurology 501:854-865. FI: 3.718 (Q1)
Changes in cell migration and survival in the olfactory bulb of the PCD/PCD mouse Valero J, Weruaga E, Murias AR, Recio JS, Curto GG, Gómez C, Alonso JR. Developmental Neurobiology 67:839-859. FI: 2.732 (Q3)
The distribution of neurocalcin-containing neurones reveals sexual dimorphism in the mouse olfactory bulb Murias AR, Weruaga E, Recio JS, Airado C, Díaz D, Alonso JR. Chemical Senses 32:673-680. FI: 3.031 (Q1)
Changes in the connections of the main olfactory bulb after mitral cell selective neurodegeneration Recio JS, Weruaga E, Gómez C, Valero J, Briñón JG, Alonso JR. Journal of Neuroscience Research 85:2407-2421. FI: 2.986 (Q2)
Zincergic innervation from the anterior olfactory nucleus to the olfactory bulb displays plastic responses after mitral cell loss Airado C, Gómez C, Recio JS, Baltanás FC, Weruaga E, Alonso JR. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 32:197-208. FI: 1.753 (Q3)
Albumin attenuates DNA damage in primary cultured neurons Baltanás FC, Weruaga E, Valero J, Recio JS, Alonso JR. Neuroscience Letters 450:23-26. FI: 1.925 (Q3)
Chemical characterization of Pax6-immunoreactivity periglomerular neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb Baltanás FC, Weruaga E, Murias AR, Gómez C, Curto GG, Alonso JR. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 29:1081-1085. FI: 2.107 (Q3)