Surgery of vagal paragangliomas: six patients and review of literature Lozano FS, Gómez JL, Mondillo MC, González-Porras JR, González-Sarmiento R, Muñoz A. Surgical Oncology 17:281-287. FI: 1.728 (Q2)
Identification and characterization of new variants of three associated SNPs and a microsatellite in the TSH receptor gene which are useful for genetic studies Esperante SA, Rivolta CM, Caputo M, González-Sarmiento R, Targovnik HM. Molecular and Cellular Probes 22:281-286. FI: 1.899 (Q2)
Molecular analysis of activation-induced cytidine deaminase gene in immunoglobulin-E deficient patients Roa S, Isidoro-Garcia M, Davila I, Laffond E, Lorente F, Gonzalez-Sarmiento R. Clinical & Developmental Immunology 146715. FI: 1.647 (Q3)
Common polymorphisms in interleukin genes (IL4, IL6, IL8 and IL12) are not associated with alcoholic liver disease or alcoholism in Spanish men Marcos M, Pastor I, González-Sarmiento R, Laso FJ. Cytokine 45:158-161. FI: 3.123 (Q3)
Genetic association between -93A/G polymorphism in the Fyn kinase gene and alcohol dependence in Spanish men Pastor IJ, Laso FJ, Inés S, Marcos M, González-Sarmiento R. European Psychiatry 24:191-194. FI: 2.433 (Q2)
Genotyping of resistance to thyroid hormone in South American population. Identification of seven novel missense mutations in the human thyroid hormone receptor beta gene Rivolta CM, Olcese MC, Belforte FS, Chiesa A, Gruñeiro-Papendieck L, Iorcansky S, Herzovich V, Cassorla F, Gauna A, Gonzalez-Sarmiento R, Targovnik HM. Molecular and Cellular Probes 23:148-153. FI: 1.899 (Q2)
An association between resistant hypertension and the null GSTM1 genotype Cruz-Gonzalez I, Corral E, Sanchez-Ledesma M, Sanchez-Rodriguez A, Martin-Luengo C, Gonzalez-Sarmiento R. Journal of Human Hypertension 23:556-558. FI: 2.637 (Q2)
Alcoholism and susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease Marcos M, Pastor IJ, González-Sarmiento R, Laso FJ. American Journal of Gastroenterology 104:2117. FI: 6.012 (Q1)
A functional polymorphism of the NFKB1 gene increases the risk for alcoholic liver cirrhosis in patients with alcohol dependence Marcos M, Pastor I, González-Sarmiento R, Laso FJ. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental 33:1857-1862. FI: 3.392 (Q2)
Tumor necrosis factor polymorphisms and alcoholic liver disease: a HuGE review and meta-analysis Marcos M, Gómez-Munuera M, Pastor I, González-Sarmiento R, Laso FJ. American Journal of Epidemiology 170:948-956. FI: 5.589 (Q2)
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