Anosmin-1 modulates the FGF-2-dependent migration of oligodendrocyte precursors in the developing optic nerve Bribián A, Barallobre MJ, Soussi-Yanicostas N, de Castro F. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences 33(1):2-14. FI: 3.569 (Q3)
Generation of GABAergic and dopaminergic interneurons from endogenous embryonic olfactory bulb precursor cells Vergaño-Vera E, Yusta-Boyo MJ, de Castro F, Bernad A, de Pablo F, Vicario-Abejón C. Development 133(21):4367-79. FI: 7.194 (Q1)
Cajal: lessons on brain development de Castro F, López-Mascaraque L, De Carlos JA. Brain Research Reviews 55(2):481-9. FI: 7.390 (Q1)
Sonic Hedgehog promotes the migration and proliferation of optic nerve oligodendrocyte precursors Merchán P, Bribián A, Sánchez-Camacho C, Lezameta M, Bovolenta P, de Castro F. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences 36(3):355-68. FI: 3.569 (Q3)
Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, a current problem García García MD, Prieto Tato LM, Santos Borbujo J, Monzón Corral L, Hernández Fabián A, San Feliciano Martín L. Anales de Pediatría 69(3):244-50. FI: 0.363 (Q4)
Expression pattern of Anosmin-1 during pre and postnatal rat brain development Clemente D, Esteban PF, Del Valle I, Bribián A, Soussi-Yanicostas N, Silva A, De Castro F. Developmental Dynamics 237(9):2518-28. FI: 2.833 (Q2)
A novel role for anosmin-1 in the adhesion and migration of oligodendrocyte precursors Bribián A, Esteban PF, Clemente D, Soussi-Yanicostas N, Thomas JL, Zalc B, de Castro F. Developmental Neurobiology 68(13):1503-16. FI: 2.732 (Q3)
Differential ErbB receptor expression and intracellular signaling activity in lung adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas López-Malpartida AV, Ludeña MD, Varela G, García Pichel J. Lung Cancer 65: 25-33. FI: 3.140 (Q1)
Pulmonary expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and alveolar septation in a newborn rat model exposed to acute hypoxia and recovered under conditions of air or hyperoxia Remesal A, Pedraz C, San Feliciano L, Ludeña D. Histology and Histopathology 24(3):325-30. FI: 2.404 (Q2)
Anosmin-1 stimulates outgrowth and branching of developing Purkinje axons Gianola S, de Castro F, Rossi F. Neuroscience 158(2):570-84. FI: 0.112 (Q4)
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