Gemcitabine-associated livedoid thrombotic microangiopathy with associated sclerema neonatorum-like microscopic changes Jose M. Mir-Bonafe; Concepción Román Curto; Ángel Santos Briz Terrón; Javier Cañueto Álvarez; Emilia Fernández López; Pablo Unamuno Pérez Journal Of Cutaneous Pathology ; 39, pp. 707 - 711
The combination of bortezomib and dexamethasone is an efficient therapy for relapsed/refractory scleromyxedema: a rare disease with new clinical insights Javier Cañueto Álvarez; Jorge Labrador; Concepción Román Curto; Ángel Santos Briz Terrón; Teresa Contreras; Norma Carmen Gutiérrez Gutiérrez; Ramón García Sanz European Journal Of Haematology ; 88, pp. 450 - 454
Clinical, molecular and biochemical characterization of nine Spanish families with Conradi-Hunermann-Happle syndrome: new insights into X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia punctata with a comprehensive review of the literature Javier Cañueto Álvarez; Girós M; Ciria S; Pi-Castán G; Artigas M; García-Dorado J; García-Patos V; Virós A; Vendrell T; Torrelo A; Hernández-Martín A; Martín-Hernández E; Garcia-Silva MT; Fernández-Burriel M; Rosell J; Tejedor M; Martínez F; Luis Felix Valero Juan; Juan Luis García Hernández; Eva María Sánchez Tapia; Pablo Unamuno Pérez; Rogelio González Sarmiento British Journal Of Dermatology ; 166, pp. 830 - 838
The cytogenetic relationship between primary and recurrent meningiomas points to the need for new treatment strategies in cases at high risk of relapse Espinosa AB, Tabernero MD, Maíllo A, Sayagués JM, Ciudad J, Merino M, Alguero MC, Lubombo AM, Sousa P, Santos-Briz A, Orfao A. Clinical Cancer Research 12(3):772-780. FI: 6.747 (Q1)
Microarray-based analysis of spinal versus intracranial meningiomas: different clinical, biological, and genetic characteristics associated with distinct patterns of gene expression Sayagués JM, Tabernero MD, Maíllo A, Trelles O, Espinosa AB, Sarasquete ME, Merino M, Rasillo A, Vera JF, Santos-Briz A, de Álava E, García-Macías MC, Orfao A. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 65(5):445-454. FI: 4.564 (Q1)
A new scalp formulation of calcipotriene plus betamethasone compared with its active ingredients and the vehicle in the treatment of scalp psoriasis: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial Jemec GB, Ganslandt C, Ortonne JP, Poulin Y, Burden AD, de Unamuno P, Berne B, Figueiredo A, Austad J. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 59(3):455-463. FI: 4.105 (Q1)
Familial poikylodermic cutaneous amyloidosis Pardo Arranz L, Escalonilla García-Patos P, Román Curto C, Blanco Barrios S, Fernández López E, de Unamuno Pérez P. European Journal of Dermatology 18(3):289-291. FI: 2.250 (Q2)
Histological characteristics of head and neck paragangliomas Antúnez Plaza P, Santos-Briz Terrón A, Sáncho de Salas M, Flores Corral T. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española 1:18-23. FI: 0.210 (Q4)
Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of donor origin after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Santos-Briz A, Romo A, Antúnez P, Román C, Alcoceba M, García JL, Vázquez L, González M, Unamuno P. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 34:e778-781. FI: 1.550 (Q3)
Immunohistochemical expression of CDK-2 in psoriasis Santos-Briz A, Roncero M, Antúnez P, Fernández-López E, Bullón A, Unamuno P. British Journal of Dermatology 161(3):708-710. FI: 4.260 (Q1)
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