Meteorological and agricultural effects on airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium spores and clinical aspects in Valladolid Reyes ES, de la Cruz DR, Merino ME, Sánchez JS. Spain Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 16(1):53-61. FI: 1.538 (Q2)
Allergy Diagnosis in children and adults: Performance of a New Point-of-Care Device, ImmunoCAP Rapid Hedlin G, Moreno C, Petersson CJ, Lilja G, Toledano FL, Garcia AN, Nordvall L, Palmqvist M, Rak S, Ahlstedt S, Borres MP. Allergy & Clinical Immunology 2(7):138-143. FI: 0.615 (Q4)
First results of Platanus pollen airborne content in the Middle-West of the Iberian Peninsula Sánchez-Reyes E, Rodríguez de la Cruz D, Sanchís-Merino ME, Sánchez-Sánchez J. Aerobiologia 25: 209-215. FI: 1.173 (Q3)
Epidemiology of allergic rhinitis in allergy consultations in Spain: Alergológica-2005 Navarro A, Colás C, Antón E, Conde J, Dávila I, Dordal MT, Fernández-Parre B, Ibáñez MD, Lluch-Bernal M, Matheu V, Montoro J, Rondón C, Sánchez MC, Valero A, Rhinoconjunctivitis Committee of the SEAIC. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 19: 7-13. FI: 1.189 (Q3)
Stress and allergy Montoro J, Mullol J, Jauregui I, Dávila I, Ferrer M, Bartra J, del Cuvillo A, Sastre J, Valero A. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 19: 40-7. FI: 1.189 (Q3)
Allergic rhinitis and school performance Jauregui I, Mullol J, Dávila I, Ferrer M, Bartra J, del Cuvillo A, Montoro J, Sastre J, Valero A. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 19: 32-9. FI: 1.189 (Q3)
Genetic aspects of allergic rinitis Dávila I, Mullol J, Ferrer M, Bartra J, del Cuvillo A, Montoro J, Jauregui I, Sastre J, Valero A. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 19: 25-31. FI: 1.189 (Q3)
Molecular diagnosis in allergology: application of the microarray technique Ferrer M, Sanz ML, Sastre J, Bartra J, del Cuvillo A, Montoro J, Jáuregui I, Dávila I, Mullol J, Valero A. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 19:19-24. FI: 1.189 (Q3)
Allergic conjunctivitis and H1 antihistamines del Cuvillo A, Sastre J, Montoro J, Jáuregui I, Dávila I, Ferrer M, Bartra J, Mullol J, Valero A. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 19:11-8. FI: 1.189 (Q3)
From pollinosis to digestive allergy Bartra J, Sastre J, del Cuvillo A, Montoro J, Jauregui I, Dávila I, Ferrer M, Mullol J, Valero A. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 19: 3-10. FI: 1.189 (Q3)