Emergency surgery of the abdominal aorta in a porcine model: two sequential experiment Lozano FS, Rodríguez JM, García-Criado FJ, Gonzalez-Porras JR, Sanchez-Guijo FM, Sanchez-Conde P, García- Sanchez JE. World Journal of Surgery 32:642-647. FI: 2.696 (Q1)
Tubes for pretransfusion testing should be collected by blood bank staff and hand labelled until the implementation of new technology for improved sample labelling González-Porras JR, Graciani IF, Alvarez M, Pinto J, Conde MP, Nieto MJ, Corral M. Results of a prospective study Vox Sanguinis 95:52-56. FI: 2.585 (Q2)
Prospective evaluation of a transfusion policy of D González-Porras JR, Graciani IF, Pérez-Simon JA, Martín-Sánchez J, Encinas C, Conde MP, Nieto MJ, Corral M. red blood cells into D-patients Transfusion 48:1318-1324. FI: 2.982 (Q2)
Surgery of vagal paragangliomas: six patients and review of literature Surgerical Lozano FS, Gómez JL, Mondillo MC, González-Porras JR, González-Sarmiento R, Muñoz A. Oncology-Oxford 17:281-287. FI: 1.728 (Q2)
Activation of ERK1/2 and AKT following unilateral ureteral obstruction Rodríguez-Peña AB, Grande MT, Eleno N, Arévalo M, Guerrero C, Santos E, López-Novoa JM. Kidney International 74(2):196-209. FI: 6.193 (Q1)
Newly diagnosed versus relapsed idiopathic thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a comparison of presenting clinical characteristics and response to treatment Alvarez-Larrán A, del Río-Garma J, Pujol M, de la Rubia J, Hernández-Jodra M, Borrell M, González-Porras JR, García-Gala JM, Viejo A, Enríquez L, Arbona C, García-Erce JA, Noblejas AG, Pereira A. Annals of Hematology 88:973-978. FI: 2.919 (Q2)
An individualized pre-operative blood saving protocol can increase pre-operative haemoglobin levels and reduce the need for transfusion in elective total hip or knee arthroplasty González-Porras JR, Colado E, Conde MP, López T, Nieto MJ, Corral M. Transfusion Medicine 19:35-42. FI: 1.808 (Q3)
Femoral vein injury and transposition techniques: a new approach to venous reconstruction in the setting of trauma Lozano FS, Estevan MC, González-Porras JR. Journal of Trauma 67(4):E118-120. FI: 2.626 (Q2)
C3G silencing enhances STI-571-induced apoptosis in CML cells through p38 MAPK activation, but it antagonizes STI-571 inhibitory effect on survival Maia V, Sanz M, Gutiérrez-Berzal J, de Luis A, Gutiérrez-Uzquiza A, Porras A, Guerrero C. Cellular Signalling 21(7):1229-35. FI: 4.094 (Q2)
Serum-dependent transcriptional networks identify distinct functional roles for H-Ras and N-Ras during initial stages of the cell cycle Castellano E, Guerrero C, Núñez A, De Las Rivas J, Santos E. Genome Biology 10(11):R123. FI: 6.626 (Q1)