Endoglin regulates cyclooxygenase-2 expression and activity Jerkic M, Rivas-Elena JV, Santibanez JF, Prieto M, Rodríguez-Barbero A, Pericacho M, Árevalo M, Vary CP, Letarte M, Bernabeu C, Lopez-Novoa JM. Circulation Research 99(3):248-56. FI: 9.214 (Q1)
Effect of quercetin on metallothionein, nitric oxide synthases and cyclooxygenase-2 expression on experimental chronic cadmium nephrotoxicity in rats Morales AI, Vicente-Sanchez C, Jerkic M, Santiago JM, Sanchez-Gonzalez PD, Pérez-Barriocanal F, Lopez-Novoa JM. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 21:128-35. FI: 3.359 (Q1)
High levels of serum thromboxane B2 are generated during human pulmonary dirofilariosis Morchon R, Lopez-Belmonte J, Rodríguez-Barbero A, Simon F. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 13(10):1175-6. FI: 2.373 (Q3)
Resveratrol inhibits gentamicin-induced mesangial cell contraction Morales AI, Rodríguez-Barbero A, Vicente-Sánchez C, Mayoral P, López-Novoa JM, Pérez-Barriocanal F. Life Sciences 78(20):2373-7. FI: 2.560 (Q2)
Endoglin regulates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury Docherty NG, Lopez-Novoa JM, Árevalo M, Düwel A, Rodriguez-Peña A, Pérez-Barriocanal F, Bernabeu C, Eleno N. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 21(8):2106-19. FI: 3.306 (Q1)
Reduced tumor growth and angiogenesis in endoglin-haploinsufficient mice Duwel A, Eleno N, Jerkic M, Árevalo M, Bolanos JP, Bernabeu C, Lopez-Novoa JM. Tumor Biology 28(1):1-8. FI: 1.940 (Q3)
The lord of the ring: Mandatory role of the kidney in drug therapy of hypertension López-Hernández FJ, López-Novoa JM. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 111(1):53-80. FI: 8.897 (Q1)
Involvement of H-and N-Ras isoforms in transforming growth factor-.1-induced proliferation and in collagen and fibronectin synthesis Martínez-Salgado C, Fuentes-Calvo I, García-Cenador B, Santos E, López-Novoa JM. Experimental Cell Research 312(11):2093-106. FI: 3.589 (Q2)
Loss of Vav2 Proto-Oncogene Causes Tachycardia and Cardiovascular Disease in Mice Sauzeau V, Jerkic M, Lopez-Novoa JM, Bustelo XR. Molecular Biology of the Cell 18(3):943-52. FI: 5.979 (Q1)
Long-term nebivolol administration reduces renal fibrosis and prevents endothelial dysfunction in rats with hypertension induced by renal mass reduction Pires MJ, Rodríguez-Peña AB, Arévalo M, Cenador B, Evangelista S, Esteller A, Sánchez-Rodríguez A, Colaço A, López-Novoa JM. Journal of Hypertension 25(12):2486-2496. FI: 4.988 (Q1)