Adrenomedullin is a cross-talk molecule that regulates tumour and mast cell function during human carcinogenesis Zudaire E, Martínez A, Garayoa M, Pío R, Kaur G, Woolhiser MR, Metcalfe DD, Hook WA, Siraganian RP, Guise TA, Chirgwin JM, Cuttitta F. American Journal of Pathology 168(1):280-91. FI: 5.673 (Q1)
A transcriptional and functional study Irigoyen M, Ansó E, Martínez E, Garayoa M, Martínez-Irujo JJ, Rouzaut A Hypoxia alters the adhesive properties of lymphatic endothelial cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1773(6):880-90. FI: 11.685 (Q1)
The effect of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib on acute myeloid leukemia cells and drug resistance associated with the CD34. Inmature phenotype Colado E, Alvarez-Fernández S, Maiso P, Martín-Sánchez J, Vidriales MB, Garayoa M, Ocio EM, Montero JC, Pandiella A, San Miguel JF. Haematologica 93(1):57-66. FI: 6.416 (Q1)
The insulin-like growth factor-I receptor inhibitor NVP-AEW541 provokes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells Maiso P, Ocio EM, Garayoa M, Montero JC, Hofmann F, García-Echeverría C, Zimmermann J, Pandiella A, San Miguel JF. British Journal of Haematology 141(4):470-82. FI: 4.597 (Q1)
Aplidin, a marine organism-derived compound with potent antimyeloma activity in vitro and in vivo Mitsiades CS, Ocio EM, Pandiella A, Maiso P, Gajate C, Garayoa M, Vilanova D, Montero JC, Mitsiades N, McMullan CJ, Munshi NC, Hideshima T, Chauhan D, Aviles P, Otero G, Faircloth G, Mateos MV, Richardson PG, Mollinedo F, San-Miguel JF, Anderson KC. Cancer Research 68(13):5216-25. FI: 7.543 (Q1)
Zalypsis: a novel marine-derived compound with potent antimyeloma activity that reveals high sensitivity of malignant plasma cells to DNA double strand breaks Ocio EM, Maiso P, Chen X, Garayoa M, Alvarez-Fernández S, San-Segundo L, Vilanova D, López-Corral L, Montero JC, Hernández-Iglesias T, de Alava E, Galmarini C, Avilés P, Cuevas C, San-Miguel JF, Pandiella A. Blood 113(16):3781-91. FI: 10.555 (Q1)
Mesenchymal stem cells from multiple myeloma patients display distinct genomic profile as compared with dose from normal donors Garayoa M, Garcia JL, Santamaria C, García-Gómez A, Blanco JF, Pandiella A, Hernández JM, Sanchez-Guijo FM, del Cañizo MC, Gutiérrez NC, San Miguel JF. Leukemia 23(8):1515-27. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
The synergy of panobinostat plus doxorubicin in acute myeloid leukemia suggests a role for HDAC inhibitors in the control of DNA repair Maiso P, Colado E, Ocio EM, Garayoa M, Martín J, Atadja P, Pandiella A, San-Miguel JF. Leukemia 23(12):2265-74. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
In vitro and in vivo rationale for the triple combination of panobinostat (LBH589) and dexamethasone with either bortezomib or lenalidomide in multiple myeloma Ocio EM, Vilanova D, Atadja P, Maiso P, Crusoe E, Fernández-Lázaro D, Garayoa M, San-Segundo L, Hernández-Iglesias T, de Alava E, Shao W, Yao YM, Pandiella A, San-Miguel JF. Haematologica 95(5):794-803. FI: 6.416 (Q1)
Zalypsis has in vitro activity in acute myeloid blasts and leukemic progenitor cells through the induction of a DNA damage response Enrique Colado; Teresa Paíno Gómez; Patricia Maiso; Enrique M Ocio San Miguel; Xi Chen Chen; Stela Álvarez Fernández; Norma Carmen Gutiérrez Gutiérrez; Jesus Martin-Sanchez; Juan Alejandro Flores Montero; Laura San Segundo Payo; Mercedes Garayoa Berrueta; Diego Fernández Lázaro; María Belén Vidriales Vicente; Carlos M. Galmarini; Pablo Aviles; Carmen Cuevas; Atanasio Pandiella ; Jesús Fernando San Miguel Izquierdo Haematologica-The Hematology Journal 96: 687-695. FI: 6,532(Q1)