Mesenchymal stem cells from multiple myeloma patients display distinct genomic profile as compared with those from normal donors Garayoa M, García JL, Santamaria C, García-Gomez A, Blanco JF, Pandiella A, Hernández JM, Sánchez-Guijo FM, del Cañizo MC, Gutiérrez NC, San Miguel JF. Leukemia 23(8):1515-27. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
The persistence of immunophenotypically normal residual bone marrow plasma cells at diagnosis identifies a good prognostic subgroup of symptomatic multiple myeloma patients Paiva B, Vidriales MB, Mateo G, Pérez JJ, Montalbán MA, Sureda A, Montejano L, Gutiérrez NC, García de Coca A, de las Heras N, Mateos MV, López-Berges MC, García-Boyero R, Galende J, Hernández J, Palomera L, Carrera D, Martínez R, de la Rubia J, Martín A, González Y, Bladé J, Lahuerta JJ, Orfao A, San-Miguel JF. GEM (Grupo Español de MM)/PETHEMA (Programa para el Estudio de la Terapéutica en Hemopatías Malignas) Cooperative Study Groups. Blood 114(20):4369-72. FI: 10.555 (Q1)
Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of donor origin after allogeneic haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation Santos-Briz A, Romo A, Antúnez P, Román C, Alcoceba M, García JL, Vazquez L, González M, Unamuno P. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 34(8):e778-81. FI: 1.550 (Q3)
Risk stratification in the era of novel therapies San-Miguel J, Mateos MV, Gutiérrez NC. Cancer Journal 15(6):457-64. FI: 3.471 (Q2)
Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of donor origin after allogeneic haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation Santos-Briz A, Romo A, Antúnez P, Román C, Alcoceba M, García JL, Vazquez L, González M, Unamuno P. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 34(8):e778-81. FI: 1.550 (Q3)
The Clinical Utility of Microarray-Based Gene Expression Profiling in the Diagnosis and Subclassification of Leukemia: Report on 3248 Cases from the International MILE Study Group Haferlach T, Kohlmann A, Wieczorek L, Basso G, te Kronnie G, Béné MC, de Vos J, Macintyre E, Hernández JM, Hofmann WK, Mills KI, Gilkes AF, Chiaretti S, Downing JR, Shurtleff SA, Kipps TJ, Rassenti LZ, Yeoh AE, Koay ES, Papenhausen PR,Liu WM, Xiang P, Williams PM, Foà R. Journal of Clinical Oncology 28: 2529-37. FI: 17.793 (Q1)
Incidence and prognostic impact of secondary cytogenetic aberrations in a series of 145 patients with mantle cell lymphoma Espinet B, Salaverria I, Beà S, Ruiz-Xivillé N, Balagué O, Salido M, Costa D, Carreras J, Rodríguez AE, Luís García J, Hernández Rivas JM, Calasanz MJ, Siebert R, Ferrer A, Salar A, Carrió A, Polo N, García-Marco JA, Domingo A, González-Barca E, Romagosa V, Marugán I, López-Guillermo A, Millá F, Luís Mate J, Luño E, Sanzo C, Collado R, Oliver I, Monzó S, Palacín A, González T, Sant F, Salinas R, Ardanaz MT, Font L, Escoda L, Florensa L, Serrano S, Campo E, Solé F. Genes Chromosomes and Cancer 49(5):439-51. FI: 3.858 (Q2)
Selenitetriglicerydes affect CYP1A1 and QR activity by involvement of reactive oxygen species and Nrf2 transcription factor Suchocki P, Misiewicz-Krzemiska I, Skupiska K, Nied.wiecka K, Lubelska K, Fija.ek Z, Kasprzycka-Guttman T. Pharmacological Reports 62(2):352-61. FI: 2.086 (Q3)
Programa Español de Tratamiento en Hematologia Group. Outcome after relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in adult patients included in four consecutive risk-adapted trials from the PETHEMA Study Group Oriol A, Vives S, Hernández Rivas JM, Tormo M, Heras I, Rivas C, Bethencourt C, Moscardó F, Bueno J, Grande C, del Potro E, Guardia R, Brunet S, Bergua J, Bernal T, Moreno MJ, Calvo C, Bastida P, Feliu E, Ribera JM. Haematologica 95(4):589-96. FI: 6.416 (Q1)
Reversion of epigenetically-mediated BIM silencing overcomes chemoresistance in Burkitt lymphoma Richter-Larrea JA, Robles EF, Fresquet V, Beltran E, Rullan AJ, Agirre X, Calasanz MJ, Panizo C, Richter JA, Hernández Rivas JM, Roman-Gomez J, Prosper F, Martínez-Climent JA. Blood 116:2531-42. FI: 10.555 (Q1)