Geographic differences in the incidence of cytogenetic abnormalities of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in Spain Sierra M, Alonso A, Odero MD, Gonzalez MB, Lahortiga I, Pérez JJ, García JL, Gutiérrez NC, Calasanz MJ, San Miguel JF, Hernández Rivas JM. Leukemia Research 30:943-8. FI: 2.358 (Q3)
SLUG (SNAI2) overexpression in embryonic development Pérez-Mancera PA, González-Herrero I, Maclean K, Turner AM, Yip MY, Sánchez-Martín M, García JL, Robledo C, Flores T, Gutiérrez-Adán A, Pintado B, Sánchez-García I. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 114(1):24-9. FI: 1.729 (Q3)0
The histone deacetylase inhibitor LBH589 is a potent antimyeloma agent that overcomes drug resistance Maiso P, Carvajal-Vergara X, Ocio EM, Lopez-Pérez R, Mateo G, Gutiérrez NC, Atadja P, Pandiella A, San Miguel JF. Cancer Research 66(11):5781-9. FI: 7.543 (Q1)
Conventional diagnostics in multiple myeloma San Miguel JF, Gutiérrez NC, Mateo G, Orfao A. European Journal of Cancer 42(11):1510-9. FI: 4.121 (Q2)
Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisone in elderly untreated patients with multiple myeloma: results of a multicenter phase I/II study Mateos MV, Hernández Rivas JM, Hernández MT, Gutiérrez NC, Palomera L, Fuertes M, Díaz-Mediavilla J, Lahuerta JJ, de la Rubia J, Terol MJ, Sureda A, Bargay J, Ribas P, de Arriba F, Alegre A, Oriol A, Carrera D, García-Larana J, García-Sanz R, Blade J, Prosper F, Mateo G, Esseltine DL, van de Velde H, San Miguel JF. Blood 108(7):2165-72. FI: 10.555 (Q1)
Lineage involvement in chronic myeloid leukaemia: comparison between MBCR/ABL and mBCR/ABL cases Primo D, Sánchez ML, Espinosa AB, Tabernero MD, Rasillo A, Sayagues JM, Gonzalez M, Hernández Rivas JM, Orfao A. British Journal of Haematology 132:736-9. FI: 4.597 (Q1)
Results of the PETHEMA ALL-96 trial in elderly patients with Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia Sancho JM, Ribera JM, Xicoy B, Morgades M, Oriol A, Tormo M, Potro ED, Deben G, Abella E, Bethencourt C, Ortin X, Brunet S, Ortega-Rivas F, Novo A, Lopez R, Hernández Rivas JM, Sanz MA, Feliu E, on behalf of the PETHEMA Group. European Journal of Haematology 78(2):102-10. FI: 2.345 (Q3)
In silico whole-genome screening for cancer-related single-nucleotide polymorphisms located in human mRNA untranslated regions Aouacheria A, Navratil V, López-Pérez R, Gutiérrez NC, Churkin A, Barash D, Mouchiroud D, Gautier C. BMC Genomics 8:2. FI: 3.759 (Q1)
The activity of Selol in multidrug-resistant and sensitive human leukemia cells Suchocki P, Misiewicz-Krzemiska I, Skupinska K, Waclawek K, Fijalek Z, Kasprzycka-Guttman T. Oncology Reports 18(4):893-9. FI: 1.588 (Q3)
Differential response of human healthy lymphoblastoid and CCRF-SB leukemia cells to sulforaphane and its two analogues: 2-oxohexyl isothiocyanate and alyssin Misiewicz-Krzemiska I, Skupinska K, Kasprzycka-Guttman T. Pharmacological Reports 59(1):80-7. FI: 2.086 (Q3)
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