Early recurrences in histologically benign/grade I meningiomas are associated with large tumors and coexistence of monosomy 14 and del(1p36) in the ancestral tumour cell clone Maíllo A, Orfao A, Espinosa A, Sayagués JM, Merino M, Sousa P, Lara M, Tabernero MD. Neuro-Oncology 9:438-446. FI: 4.984 (Q1)
Patient gender is associated with distinct patterns of chromosome abnormalities and sex-chromosome linked gene-expression profiles in meningiomas Tabernero MD, Espinosa AB, Maíllo A, Rebelo O, Fernandez-Vera J, Sayagués JM, Merino M, Diaz P, Sousa P, Orfao A. The Oncologist 12:1225-1236. FI: 6.701 (Q1)
Flow cytometry in myelodysplastic syndromes: report from a working conference Loken MR, Van De Loosdrecht A, Ogata K, Orfao A, Wells DA. Leukemia Research 32:5-17. FI: 2.358 (Q3)
Safety and effectiveness of immunotherapy in patients with indolent systemic mastocytosis presenting with Hymenoptera venom anaphylaxis Gonzalez de Olano D, Alvarez Twose I, Esteban Lopez MI, Sanchez Muñoz L, Alonso Diaz De Duran MD, Vega Castro A, Garcia Montero A, Gonzalez-Manteo E, Belver González T, Herrero Gil MD, Fernandez-Ribas M, Orfao A, De La Hoz Caballero B, Castells MC, Escribano Mora L. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 121:519-526. FI: 9.165 (Q1)
Evaluation of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms of different genes coding for the immunoregulatory molecules in patients with monoclonal large granular lymphocyte lymphocytosis Garrido P, Almeida J, Romero JM, Canton J, Sandberg Y, Barcena P, Lima M, Langerak AW, Orfao A, Ruiz-Cabello F. Human Immunology 69:101-107. FI: 2.550 (Q3)
A multidimensional classification approach for the automated analysis of flow cytometry data Pedreira CE, Costa Es, Arroyo ME, Almeida J, Orfao A. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 55:1155-1162. FI: 2.154 (Q2)
Detailed immunophenotypic characterization of different major and minor subsets of peripheral blood cells in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Hernández-Campo PM, Almeida J, Acevedo MJ, Sánchez ML, Alberca I, Vidriales B, Martínez E, Romero JR, Orfao A. Transfusion 48:1403-1414. FI: 2.982 (Q2)
Association between the proliferative rate of neoplastic B-cells, their maturation stage and underlying cytogenetic abnormalities in B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorders: analysis of a series of 432 patients Quijano S, Lopez A, Rasillo A, Barrena S, Sanchez ML, Flores J, Fernandez C, Sayagués JM, Osuna CS, Fernandez N, González M, Giraldo P, Giralt M, Perez MC, Martín-Antorán JM, Gutiérrez O, Perdiguer L, Díaz Mediavilla J, González Silva M, Asensio Del Río A, Cervero C, Guerra JL, Butron R, Garcia MC, Almeida J, Orfao A. Blood 111:5130-5141. FI: 10.555 (Q1)
Generation of flow cytometric data files with a potentially infinite number of dimensions Pedreira CE, Costa ES, Barrena S, Lecrevisse Q, Almeida J, van Dongen JJ, Orfao A. EuroFlow Consortium. Cytometry A 73A:834-846. FI: 3.032 (Q2)
A probabilistic approach for the evaluation of minimal residual disease by multiparameter flow cytometry in leukemic B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorders Pedreira CE, Costa ES, Almeida J, Fernández C, Quijano S, Flores J, Barrena S, Lecrevisse Q, Van Dongen JJ, Orfao A. EuroFlow Consortium. Cytometry A 73A:1141-1150. FI: 3.032 (Q2)