Zalypsis has in vitro activity in acute myeloid blasts and leukemic progenitor cells through the induction of a DNA damage response
Enrique Colado; Teresa Paíno Gómez; Patricia Maiso; Enrique M Ocio San Miguel; Xi Chen Chen; Stela Álvarez Fernández; Norma Carmen Gutiérrez Gutiérrez; Jesus Martin-Sanchez; Juan Alejandro Flores Montero; Laura San Segundo Payo; Mercedes Garayoa Berrueta; Diego Fernández Lázaro; María Belén Vidriales Vicente; Carlos M. Galmarini; Pablo Aviles; Carmen Cuevas; Atanasio Pandiella ; Jesús Fernando San Miguel Izquierdo
Haematologica-The Hematology Journal 96: 687-695. FI: 6,532(Q1)