Powerful strategy for polymerase chain reaction-based clonality assessment in T-cell malignancies Report of the BIOMED-2 Concerted Action BHM4 CT98-3936 Brüggemann M, White H, Gaulard P, García-Sanz R, Gameiro P, Oeschger S, Jasani B, Ott M, Delsol G, Orfao A, Tiemann M, Herbst H, Langerak AW, Spaargaren M, Moreau E, Groenen PJ, Sambade C, Foroni L, Carter GI, Hummel M, Bastard C, Davi F, Delfau-Larue MH, Kneba M, van Dongen JJ, Beldjord K, Molina TJ. Leukemia 21(2):215-21. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
Profile of polymorphisms of drug-metabolising enzymes and the risk of therapy-related leukaemia Bolufer P, Collado M, Barragan E, Calasanz MJ, Colomer D, Tormo M, González M, Brunet S, Batlle M, Cervera J, Sanz MA. British Journal of Haematology 136:590-6. FI: 4.597 (Q1)
Outcome of patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia failing to front-line treatment with all-trans retinoic acid and anthracycline-based chemotherapy (PETHEMA protocols LPA96 and LPA99): benefit of an early intervention Esteve J, Escoda L, Martín G, Rubio V, Díaz-Mediavilla J, González M, Rivas C, Alvarez C, González San Miguel JD, Brunet S, Tomás JF, Tormo M, Sayas MJ, Sánchez Godoy P, Colomer D, Bolufer P, Sanz MA. Spanish Cooperative Group PETHEMA. Leukemia 21(3):446-52. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
Antithrombin Cambridge II (A384S): an underestimated genetic risk factor for venous thrombosis Corral J, Hernandez-Espinosa D, Soria JM, Gonzalez-Conejero R, Ordonez A, Gonzalez-Porras JR, Perez-Ceballos E, Lecumberri R, Sanchez I, Roldan V, Mateo J, Minano A, González M, Alberca I, Fontcuberta J, Vicente V. Blood 109(10):4258-63. FI: 10.555 (Q1)
Role of MTHFR (677, 1298) haplotype in the risk of developing secondary leukemia after treatment of breast cancer and hematological malignancies Guillem VM, Collado M, Terol MJ, Calasanz MJ, Esteve J, González M, Sanzo C, Nomdedeu J, Bolufer P, Lluch A, Tormo M. Leukemia 21(7):1413-22. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
CTLA-4 polymorphisms and clinical outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation from HLA-identical sibling donors Pérez-García A, De la Cámara R, Román-Gómez J, Jiménez-Velasco A, Encuentra M, Nieto JB, de la Rubia J, Urbano-Ispizúa A, Brunet S, Iriondo A, González M, Serrano D, Espigado I, Solano C, Ribera JM, Pujal JM, Hoyos M, Gallardo D, GVHD/Immunotherapy Committee of the Spanish Group of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Blood 110(1):461-7. FI: 10.555 (Q1)
Improved reliability of lymphoma diagnostics via PCR-based clonality testing: ¿ Report of the BIOMED-2 Concerted Action BHM4-CT98-3936 Van Krieken JH, Langerak AW, Macintyre EA, Kneba M, Hodges E, Sanz RG, Morgan GJ, Parreira A, Molina TJ,Cabeçadas J, Gaulard P, Jasani B, Garcia JF, Ott M, Hannsmann ML, Berger F, Hummel M, Davi F, Brüggemann M, Lavender FL, Schuuring E, Evans PA, White H, Salles G, Groenen PJ, Gameiro P, Pott Ch, Dongen JJ. Leukemia 21(2):201-6. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
Characterization of a reference material for BCR-ABL (M-BCR) mRNA quantitation by real time amplification assays: towards new standards for gene expression measurements Saldanha J, Silvy M, Beaufils N, Arlinghaus R, Barbany G, Branford S, Cayuela JM, Cazzaniga G, González M,Grimwade D, Kairisto V, Miyamura K, Lawler M, Lion T, Macintyre E, Mahon FX, Muller MC, Ostergaard M, Pfeifer H, Saglio G, Sawyers C, Spinelli O, van der Velden VH, Wang JQ, Zoi K, Patel V, Phillips P, Matejtschuk P, Gabert J. Leukemia 21:1481-1487. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
Molecular heterogeneity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia is dependent on BCR signaling: clinical correlation Rodríguez A, Villuendas R, Yáñez L, Gómez ME, Díaz R, Pollán M, Hernández N, de la Cueva P, Marín MC, Swat A, Ruiz E, Cuadrado MA, Conde E, Lombardía L, Cifuentes F, González M, García-Marco JA, Piris MA. Leukemia 21:1984-91. FI: 8.296 (Q1)
Hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor of recurrent coronary event in young patients irrespective to the MTHFR C677T polymorphism González-Porras JR, Martin-Herrero F, García-Sanz R, Lopez ML, Balanzategui A, Mateos MV, Pavon P, González M, Alberca I, San Miguel JF. Thrombosis Research 119(6):691-8. FI: 2.406 (Q2)
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