Durability of the effects of a quality improvement intervention in hypertensive patients on long-term follow-up (CICLO-RISK study) Gómez Marcos MA, Rodriguez Sanchez E, Ramos Delgado E, Fernandez Alonso C, Montejo Gonzalez AL, Garcia Ortiz L. Atención Primaria 41(7):371-378. FI: 0.437 (Q4)
Serum levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase are associated with markers of nocturnal hypoxemia in a general adult population Gude F, Rey-García J, Fernández-Merino C, Meijide L, García-Ortiz L, Zamarrón C, Gonzalez-Quintela A. Clinica Chimica Acta 407(1-2):67-71. FI: 2.535 (Q1)
Information needs of patients in primary care from the perspective of health professionals Maderuelo-Fernandez JA, Hernández-Garcia I, González-Hierro M, Velázquez-San Francisco I. A Delphi study Gaceta Sanitaria 23(5):365-372. FI: 1.172 (Q3)
Medicalisation of prevention: notes on procedures, contents and basics Miguel García F, Merino Senovilla A, Sanz Cantalapiedra R, García Ortiz A, Montero Alonso MJ, Maderuelo-Fernández JA. Atención Primaria 41(12):702-706. FI: 0.437 (Q4)
Family function and the mental health of the caregiver of dependent relatives Pérez Penaranda A, García Ortiz L, Rodríguez Sánchez E, Losada Baltar A, Porras Santos N, Gómez Marcos MA. Atención Primaria 41(11):621-628. FI: 0.437 (Q4)
Efficacy of an educational intervention group on changes in lifestyles in hypertensive patients in primary care: a randomized clinical trial Rodríguez Martin C, Castano Sánchez C, García Ortiz L, Recio Rodríguez JI, Castano Sánchez Y, Gómez Marcos MA. Revista Española de Salud Pública 83(3):441-452. FI: 0.747 (Q4)
Increased plasma soluble endoglin levels as an indicator of cardiovascular alterations in hypertensive and diabetic patients Blázquez-Medela AM, García-Ortiz L, Gómez Marcos MA, Recio-Rodríguez JI, Sánchez Rodríguez A, López-Novoa JM, Martínez-Salgado C. Revista Española de Salud Pública 8:86. FI: 3.985 (Q1)
Effect on cardiovascular risk of an intervention by family physicians to promote physical exercise among sedentary individuals Ortiz L, Grandes G, Sánchez-Pérez A, Montoya I, Iglesias-Valiente JA, Recio-Rodríguez JI, Castano-Sánchez Y, Gómez-Marcos MA. BMC Medicine 63(11):1244-1252. FI: 2.743 (Q2)
Physical exercise, fitness and dietary pattern and their relationship with circadian blood pressure pattern, augmentation index and endothelial dysfunction biological markers: EVIDENT study protocol García-Ortiz L, Recio-Rodriguez JI, Martin-Cantera C, Cabrejas-Sánchez A, Gómez-Arranz A, Gonzalez-Viejo N, Iturregui-San Nicolas E, Patino-Alonso MC, Gomez-Marcos M. BMC Public Health10:233. FI: 2.223 (Q2)
The increase in the speed of the pulse wave is not associated with elevated central blood pressure in hypertensive patients with kidney disease Gómez Marcos MA, Recio Rodriguez JI,Rodriguez Sánchez E, Patino Alonso MC, Gómez Sánchez L, García Ortiz L. Nefrología 30(5):578-853. FI: 0.533 (Q4)